Basic.Locale$ (property)

Syntax Basic.Locale$
Description Returns a String containing the locale under which BasicScript is running.
Comments The locale helps you identify information about your environment, such as the date formats, time format, and other country-sensitive information. The following table describes the returned value from Basic.Locale$ on the Win32 platform.
??Returns a string in the format:
abbrevlang Three-letter name of the language. This name is formed by taking the two-letter language abbreviation as found in the ISO Standard 639 and adding a third letter, as appropriate, to indicate the sublanguage.
langid: Language ID as defined by the operating system.
nativelang Native name of the language.
englang: Full English name of the language as defined by ISO standard 639.

                           'This example checks to see if we are running in a Japanese
                           'version of Windows.
                           Sub Main
                           If Basic.OS = ebWin16 And Item$(Basic.Locale$,1) = "jpn" Then
                           MsgBox "Running Windows on a Japanese computer."
                           End If
                           End Sub
See Also Basic.OS (property) , Basic.CodePage (property)