8.6. Add Another Function Block to the AddParts RCO

About this task

A Open a Move Item Function Block
B Configure the Move Item Function Block
C Add the LOADtoROBOTCONV to the AddParts List
  1. Open a Move Item Function Block


  1. Select the AddParts decision in the TrackerCfg_UI left-pane.
  2. Click Popup Menu button to the right of the Output Logic Module field.
  3. Select Edit on the Popup menu.

    The Output Logic Wizard for the AddParts logic module opens.

  4. Click the New button on the AddParts Output Logic Wizard toolbar.

    The Select a Function Block browser opens.

  5. Expand the PRT folder.
  6. Double-click Move Item.

    The Move Item dialog box opens.

    1. Configure the Move Item Function Block
  7. Select the following.
    Parameter Value Comment
    A Source Region Id LOAD
    Source Region Location First Region Location Default:
    B Destination Region Id ROBOT_CONV
    Destination Region Location Last Region Location Default
    Item Type Leave blank so whatever type that is in the LOAD region will be moved.
    Item Class Leave blank so the  Block and Carrier will be moved.
    C Insert ADD
  8. Click OK to close the Move Item dialog box.
  9. Add the LOADtoROBOTCONV to the AddParts List
  10. Check that the LOADtoROBOTCONV item is listed at the end of the Function Blocks list in the Output Logic Wizard.
  11. Click OK to close the Output Logic Wizard.


The OLM should now be able to move a block/carrier from the LOAD to the ROBOT_CONV regions.