Error Messages from Point Management Expression Processor

The following codes are returned by the Point Management Expression Processor.

Number Defined Constant Description
23500 PTEXP_NORMAL Normal successful completion
23501 NOT_PROPER_END Expression not properly terminated
23502 LEX_ILLEGAL_CHAR Character not in set for lexical analyzer
23503 LEX_POINT_NOT_AVAIL Point information not available
23504 LEX_ILLEGAL_KEYWORD The previous symbol is not a keyword
23505 OR_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23506 OR_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of OR is of type FLOAT
23507 OR_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of OR is of type FLOAT
23508 OR_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Next symbol should be EOL, ) or OR
23509 XOR_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23510 XOR_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of XOR is of type FLOAT
23511 XOR_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of XOR is of type FLOAT
23512 XOR_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Next symbol should be EOL, ), OR or XOR
23513 AND_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23514 AND_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of AND is of type FLOAT
23515 AND_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of AND is of type FLOAT
23516 AND_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Next symbol should be EOL, ), OR, XOR or AND
23517 EQUAL_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23518 EQUAL_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ or NE expected
23519 RELOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23520 RELOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE or GE expected
23521 BOR_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23522 BOR_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of BOR is of type FLOAT
23523 BOR_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of BOR is of type FLOAT
23524 BOR_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE or BOR expected
23525 BXOR_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23526 BXOR_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of BXOR is of type FLOAT
23527 BXOR_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of BXOR is of type FLOAT
23529 BAND_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23530 BAND_LEFT_FLOAT Left operand of BAND is of type FLOAT
23531 BAND_RIGHT_FLOAT Right operand of BAND is of type FLOAT
23533 ADDOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23534 ADDOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, + or - expected
23535 MULOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23536 MULOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, +, -, * or / expected
23537 AROP_BOOL_BOOL Both operands of arithmetic op are of type BOOLEAN
23538 AROP_BOOL_FLOAT Left operand of arithmetic op is BOOLEAN, right operand is FLOAT
23539 AROP_FLOAT_BOOL Left operand of arithmetic op is FLOAT, right operand is BOOLEAN
23540 UNOP_NOT_FLOAT Operand of NOT is of type FLOAT
23541 UNOP_BNOT_FLOAT Operand of BNOT is of type FLOAT
23542 UNOP_MINUS_BOOL Operand of arithmetic NEGATION is of type BOOLEAN
23543 UNOP_ILLEGAL_OP -, NOT or BNOT expected
23544 TERM_ILLEGAL_OP (, Identifier or constant expected
23545 TERM_MISSING_RPAR ) expected
23546 TERM_MISSING_LPAR ( expected
23547 TERM_ID_EXPECT Identifier expected
23548 CONV_FLOAT_TO_STR FLOAT cannot be converted to a BIT/OCTET string
23549 CHAR_STR_NOT_IMPL Character strings are not implemented
23550 BITSTR_TRUNCATED Bitstring specified exceeds max size, max size used
23551 OCTETSTR_TRUNCATED Octetstring specified exceeds max size, max size used
23552 EVAL_CORRUP_EXPR Expr cannot be evaluated, memory may be corrupted
23553 RECURSION_LEVEL_TWO EU_CONV was called by itself, memory may be corrupted
23554 DIVISION_BY_ZERO Division by zero attempted
23555 PTEXP_EXPR_NOT_EOX Expr_array not properly terminated
23556 SYM_TAB_NOT_EXIST Symbol table does not exist
23557 PTEXP_ID_NOT_IN_TABLE No table entry for this point_id
23558 PTEXP_ALIEN error was not discovered by PTEXP
23559 PTEXP_NULL_PTR Pointer to expression string is NULL
23560 PTEXP_UNKNOWN_CODE Unknown code/type in expression, memory may be corrupted
23561 PTEXP_ID_NOT_DECLARED Point_id is not in symbol table and type_func is missing
23562 PTEXP_EMPTY_EU Cannot translate empty string for eu_conversion
23563 PTEXP_ID_TOO_LONG Identifier has too many characters
23564 PTEXP_REDECLARATION Identifier is already in symbol table
23565 PTEXP_ILLEGAL_TYPE This is not a valid code for a PTM_DATA_TYPE
23566 PTEXP_REDEFINITION Function identifier is already in symbol table
23567 PTEXP_FPTR_NOT_SET Pointer to user defined function was not set
23568 PTEXP_NEG_ARG_SQR Negative argument passed to square root function
23569 TEXTSTR_TRUNCATED Text string specified exceeds max size, max size used
23570 INVALID_TEXT_COMP Text strings can only compare to text strings
23571 TEXT_EQ_ONLY Text strings can only be used in EQ/NE comparisons
23572 INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE The index is out of range for the point
23573 BAD_SUBSCRIPT_SYNTAX The subscript syntax is incorrect
23574 NO_SPACES_BEFORE_BRACKET Subscript must immediately follow a point id
23575 LEFT_BRACKET_MISSING Left bracket is missing
23576 NO_SUBSCRIPT A subscript must be specified for an array point
23577 NOT_ARRAY_PT A subscript is not valid for a non-array point
23578 NO_CLOSING_QUOTE The closing quote for a string is missing
23579 INVALID_TEXT_OP Illegal operation with a text string
23580 PTEXP_OUT_OF_RANGE Result from expression is out of range
23581 TRIOP_TYPE_NOMATCH Possible results from trinary expression must be same type
23582 TRIOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Expecting EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, +, -, *, /, SHL, SHR, MOD, ^, or ?
23583 TRIOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23584 TRIOP_COND_BOOL_ONLY Trinary expression condition must be numeric.
23585 TRIOP_COND_MISSING_TRIOR Expecting trinary expression separator :
23586 POWOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Expecting EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, +, -, *, /, SHL, SHR, MOD or ^
23587 POWOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23588 SHFTOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Expecting EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, +, -, *, /, SHL or SHR
23589 SHFTOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23590 MODOP_LIST_ILLEGAL_OP Expecting EOL, ), OR, XOR, AND, EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, BOR, BXOR, BAND, +, -, *, /, SHL, SHR or MOD
23591 MODOP_LIST_NOT_OP Next symbol should be an operator
23592 PTEXP_UPG_OPEN_FILE %s: can't open file %s
23593 TRIOP_COND_MISSING_THEN Expecting trinary expression operator: then
23594 TRIOP_COND_MISSING_ELSE Expecting trinary expression operator: else
23595 PTEXP_UPG_HEADER1 The following point_id(s) listed below conflict with a new
23596 PTEXP_UPG_HEADER2 point expression function name. These point_id(s) cannot
23597 PTEXP_UPG_HEADER3 be used in a point expression unless they are renamed.
23598 PTEXP_UPG_DATA DATA DATA directory
23601 PTEXP_EXPR_POINT_UNAVAIL Point evaluated in expression is unavailable