Command Line Parameters

The CalCfg.exe program takes command line options. These can be useful if you want to launch CalCfg from a CimView screen.

Command Description
/AREA areaId Specifies the default area to select.
/AREALOCK Lock the current area, user cannot switch areas.
/ONLINEONLY Application can only run when CIMPLICITY project is active. This is useful if you want to require operators to be logged in and subject to role privileges.
/PROJECT path Specifies the path to the project's file (e.g. C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy CIMPLICITY\projects\cimpdemo\cimpdemo.gef) to use.
/READONLY Do not allow any configuration to be performed while the project is or is not running regardless of Role configuration.
/TODAY Default to viewing the schedule for the current day.