Using the Basic Control Engine Language Reference

The Basic Control Engine Language Reference documentation is organized like a dictionary containing an entry for each language element. The language elements are categorized as follows:

Category Description
data type Any of the support data types, such as Integer , String , and so on.
function Language element that takes zero or more parameters, performs an action, and returns a value
keyword Language element that doesn't fit into any of the other categories
operator Language elements that cause an evaluation to be performed either on one or two operands
statement Language element that takes zero or more parameters and performs an action.
topic Describes information about a topic rather than a language element

Each entry in the Basic Control Engine Language Reference documentation contains the following headings:

Heading Description
Syntax The syntax of the language element. The conventions used in describing the syntax are described in Chapter 1 of the Basic Control Engine Language Reference documentation.
Description Contains a one-line description of that language element.
Comments Contains any other important information about that language keyword.
Example Contains an example of that language keyword in use. An example is provided for every language keyword.
See Also Contains a list of other entries in the Reference section that relate either directly or indirectly to that language element.