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Unified Proficy Launch Webinar Series: Proficy Operations Hub 2.0

Proficy Operations Hub | GE Digital

Learn how GE Digital’s Operations Hub provides common visualization and configuration across the Proficy software portfolio of HMI/SCADA, MES, data management, and analytics.

Proficy Operations Hub 2.0 is the first webinar in our webinar series on the Unified Proficy Launch – featuring 8 new product releases. Supercharge your digital plant and learn how GE Digital’s new Operations Hub 2.0 provides common visualization and configuration across the Proficy software portfolio of HMI/SCADA, MES, data management, and analytics.

Explore Proficy Operations Hub

Enable collaboration and continuous improvement with powerful, code-free development tools.  Learn more about Proficy Operations Hub and read how some of our customers are using Operations Hub to drive greater productivity and efficiency.