eSOP Process Overview

This section provides an overview of the steps required to design and build workflows using eSOP.

About this task

The eSOP process has two levels of design. The Workflow Designer first must design and develop a workflow, including properties, parameters, activities, and so on. Then, the Workflow Designer must configure items in the eSOP model to provide an outline for the Task Builder to define implementations of the workflow in the form of tasks representing standard operating procedures.


  1. The Workflow Designer performs the following procedures.
    1. Designs and develops a workflow, or uses the sample template that is part of eSOP.
    2. Configures task templates that are used by the Task Builder to finalize the workflow configuration.
    3. Designs custom configuration panels that are used by the Task Builder to finalize the workflow configuration.
    4. Associates global subprocesses with task step templates.
  2. The Task Builder performs the following procedures.
    1. Translates established processes into step-by-step eSOP tasks based on templates authored by a Workflow Designer.
    2. Establishes specific settings for the task, including associated personnel and equipment, expiration time, priority, and schedule.
      Note: Changing the template associated with a task may have implications for the configuration of the task, such as rendering your task invalid if there are more steps in the template than in the task.
    3. Delineates task-related correspondence in the form or work instructions, related documents, and initiation and/or expiration email messages.
    4. Specifies additional settings and/or information for the task, as required, based on unique organization needs and the custom configurations implemented in the underlying template to address those needs.
    5. Activates tasks for use as workflows at run time.