Using this Documentation

This documentation is designed to familiarize you with the layout and use of the eSOP feature in Workflow.

There are two general types of eSOP users:
  • Workflow Designers, who create or adapt workflows for interface with eSOP.
  • Task Builders, who input the specific details to help a workflow designer create the final workflow used in production.
User TypeDescription Section or Topic
System AdministratorOutlines the approach taken in this documentation based on the type of user working with Workflow eSOP.Client Layout Configuraton for eSOP Users
Workflow Designer and Task BuilderDescribes the purpose of the eSOP feature, provides a high-level view of eSOP development, and outlines the user interface.eSOP Orientation
Workflow DesignerDescribes the specialized subprocesses and activities used in eSOP and provides detailed instructions for performing the activities required to configure templates for use in building eSOP tasks.Design eSOP Workflows Overview
Task BuilderProvides detailed instructions for performing the activities required to configure step-by-step tasks in eSOP.Task Construction for Procedures
Task BuilderProvides detailed instructions for performing the activities required to modify various aspects of eSOP tasks as your organizational processes change.Task Maintenance