Task Step Assignments

Task steps assignments include routing the task steps of a subprocess (or portions of a workflow) to a location or personnel resource depending on the requirement of the workflow.

These task steps can be sent to an assigned computer or an operator at that station to complete. However, if a task step is specified to a location only, any user will be able to see that task step at that location. For example, a single workflow may have a task step assignment that requires that an item be scanned with a bar code scanner at station 2, while station 3 has a task step assignment that is a request for a count of items.
Important: In order for a workflow to run, it must be assigned to a person or a piece of equipment.

Override Task Assignment Settings

By default, subprocess assignments are configured at the workflow level, where you can bind personnel and location properties, as well as write to the assignments from anywhere in the workflow. However, you can override these assignments for a specific subprocess and reassign the tasks to other personnel or locations.


Task steps can be reassigned during run time. This can happen in one of the following ways:

  • From Task List/Task Management, you can intervene and reassign the task. When steps are reassigned, they can no longer be acquired and any predefined acquirement is removed.
  • A workflow can change at run time using a Write Activity.
  • A workflow can make a change to another workflow through the Start Schedule or Start Workflow activities.
Note: If a workflow is in a continuous loop, task step reassignments do not affect the next loop.


Override Workflow Task AssignmentsUser-definedSelect this check box to allow a user to override the equipment and/or personnel resources assigned to the subprocess activity.
LocationUser-definedWhen the override check box is selected, click the ellipsis button to select an alternate location to route the task step of the current subprocess to.
Tip: Click the arrow to bind this location to a selected variable or reset it to the default value.
PersonnelUser-definedWhen the override check box is selected, click the ellipsis button to select an alternate personnel resource to route the task step of the current subprocess to.
Tip: Click the arrow to bind a personnel resource to a selected variable or reset it to the default value.