Add or Delete Applications from Groups

When an application is added to the group, the users in the group can access the application.


  1. Select Groups.
    The Groups page appears displaying the list of groups.
  2. Select in the row containing the group you want to modify.
    The Members page appears, displaying the members added to the group.
  3. Select Applications.
  4. To add applications to the group perform the following steps:
    1. Select the applications you want to add to the group from the Search for Applications to add them to this group drop-down list box.
      Note: You can select multiple applications.
    2. Select .
    The applications are added to the group. The count of total applications of the group is updated.
  5. To delete applications from the group, select in the row containing the group you want to delete.
    The applications are deleted from the group. The count of the total applications of the group is updated.