Installing a Single Server Historian

Before you begin

  • If you are changing the role of a Historian Server that was previously a Mirror Node in any other configuration (Single Server or Mirror Primary Server), you must uninstall Historian first. See Uninstalling Historian.
    Important: The number of alarms in the Historian Alarm and Events database, and the frequency of new events being added during the installation affects how long the install takes to complete. For example, an install for a system with 1.5 million alarms can take up to three hours to complete.
  • If you are upgrading from any version between V6.0 and V7.2, the web-based clients and the associated data may be lost. Therefore, we recommend that you back up the data using uaa_config_tool in the Utilities folder in the installation package. This is applicable to both Historian Single Server and Historian Mirror Primary Server. For information, refer to Migrate User Authentication Data from Historian to Common UAA Service.
    Note: After installation, uaa_config_tool is available in the following folder as well: <installation drive of Historian>\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Config

About this task

To install a single server Historian:


  1. Log in to the Windows Server as an administrator.
  2. Start the Historian installation by double-clicking the InstallLauncher.exe file.
    This file is found on your ISO or DVD.
  3. Click the Install Historian link to start the Historian installation.
    The Historian Welcome splash screen appears.
  4. Click Next.
    The End User License Agreement appears.
  5. Read the license agreement and check Accept.
  6. Click Next.
    The Where do you want to install Historian? prompt appears.
  7. To install on the default disk C:\, click Next.
    The Override the default Historian data path screen appears.
  8. Click Next to use the default path.
    The default Historian Data Path is C:\Proficy Historian Data.
    UAA Configuration Screen appears.
  9. Provide the URL for UAA Authentication for the Historian web-based clients to connect to Historian Server.
    The format of URL is: https://<UAA server host name>:<port number>/uaa. A value is required if you want to connect a web-based client to this server. Replace <port number> with the port number that you want to use with the Historian web-based clients. The default value is 443. If you have changed the value in the Public https port field in the TCP Port Assignments page while installing the web-based clients, you must provide that value here.
    Note: If, however, you want to install web-based clients later, to change the URL for UAA authentication:
    1. Access the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\SecurityProviders\OAuth2]
    2. Provide the following value for the URI key: https://<UAA server host name>:<port number>/uaa/check_token
  10. On the Choose the type of install you want to perform screen, select Historian Single Server and click Next.

    The Ready to Install screen appears.
  11. Click Install.
    The Installing progress bar appears and the installation proceeds. During the install, a Historian screen briefly appears, and then the InstallShield wizard appears. A progress bar appears while the software is prepared for installation and configuration. The installation process may take some time.
    Note: If you are upgrading from either Historian 6.0 Enterprise or previous releases of Historian 7.2 including any of the service packs, this installation option will remove both Client Manager and Configuration Manager. This will have no impact on your data or use of Historian unless you intend to run a mirrored system. You will be prompted by the system and asked if you want to continue with the install. Choosing Yes will remove Client Manager and Configuration Manager and install a single server architecture. Choosing No will terminate the installation program.

    The Installing Proficy Common Licensing screen appears. A progress bar appears while the license is installed. This may take several minutes.

    The Historian Installing screen with the progress meter reappears. The Historian SDK Help and Historian Help icons appear on the desktop.

  12. Click Exit when the Installation Successful screen appears.
    The Reboot Required dialog appears.
  13. Click Yes to restart your computer.
    This may take several minutes.