Install Web-Based Clients Using the Command Line

About this task

This task describes how to install web-based clients using the command line. You can also install web-based clients using an installer.


  1. If you want to install web-based clients with the default values, run the following command:
    install.exe -s AdminClientSecret=<password>
  2. If you want to modify the default values, run the following command:
    install.exe -s PublicPort=<port number> UAAHttpPort=9480 UAADatabasePort=9432 HistorianHttpPort=8070 HistorianDatabasePort=8432 UseExternalUaa=1 AdminClientSecret=<password> ActiveUaaBaseUrl=https://<UAA server machine name>:<public https port number> UAAAdminClientSecret=<password> DataPath="C:\ProgramData\HistorianWebBasedClientsLogs" DestinationHistorian=<machine name>
    The following table describes the installation parameters.
    Parameter Description Default Value
    PublicPort Port for https protocol communication. 443
    UAAHttpPort Port where UAA runs on the machine where it is installed. 9480
    UAADatabasePort Port where UAA data (PostgreSQL UAA database) is stored on the machine where it is installed. 9432
    HistorianHttpPort Port where Historian web applications run on the machine where they are installed. 8070
    HistorianDatabasePort Port where PostgreSQL Historian database is stored on the machine where it is installed. 8432
    UseExternalUaa Identifies whether you want to use an external UAA service. 0
    AdminClientSecret The password to connect to the UAA service. The password must satisfy the following conditions:
    • Must not contain only numbers.
    • Must not begin or end with a special character.
    If the password does not satisfy these conditions, the installation may be successful, but web-based clients will not work.
    Not applicable
    ActiveUaaBaseUrl The base URL to connect to an external UAA. A value is required only if you want to connect to an external UAA service. Enter a value in the following format: https://<UAA server machine name>:<public https port number>
    UAAAdminClientSecret The admin password to connect to a UAA service.
    DataPath The path to the log files and PostgreSQL data. C:\ProgramData\HistorianWebBasedClientsLogs
    DestinationHistorian The name of the destination Historian server.
    Note: If you want to connect to a remote Historian server, you must disable the Enforce Strict Client Authentication and Enforce Strict Collector Authentication options using Historian Administrator in the remote server.