Migrating Historical Data

About this task

You need to run this tool as an administrator to migrate and create the log files in the C:\ directory.

To migrate historical data stored in IHA files from any version of Historian:


  1. In the Historian folder, double-click the Migration Tool executable (MigrateIHA.exe for 32-bit or MigrateIHA_x64.exe for 64-bit) to open the IHA Migration Utility.
    The icon for the executable looks as follows: .
  2. Select Configure Options from the Options menu.
  3. Enter or modify any specific configuration information.
    When choosing an IHC file, do not specify one currently in use by the Data Archiver. (For more information, see Configuring Migration Options.)
  4. Select File > Migrate Historical Data .
    The Select Historical Data File(s) window appears.
  5. Select a historical file and select Open.
    Refer to the IHA Migration Utility main page for information on the progress of the migration and any encountered errors.

    The IHA Migration Utility page only displays the most recent lines of the log file. For the full set of logged messages, refer to the log file, typically located in C:\IHAMigration.Log.

  6. Optionally, perform these steps:
    1. You can upgrade the older version's archive files to the latest version by selecting the bulk upgrade option.
      Stop the Data Archiver service and select File > Bulk Upgrade Historical Data.

      If you do a bulk upgrade of historical data immediately after you install the latest version on Historian, then save on upgrading while the system reboots.

    2. To clear the log messages displayed in the page, select File > Clear Display.
    3. To view the logs saved in the IHAMigration.log file, select File > View Log File > ..