Running the Integrated Install from a Command Line

CIMPLICITY installations may be performed without requiring any user input. This mode of installation is called Quiet Mode or Silent Mode. You can use this option to run the integrated installer from a command line or programmatically. This can be helpful, for instance, if you have several computers on your network that you need to run the installer on. This topic describes the steps required to setup a Quiet Mode installation of CIMPLICITY. When you run the integrated installer, a SilentInstallResponse.json file is created with information about the package, components, and settings that you selected and saved at [Install location]\Proficy. You can run the file using a command line and install CIMPLICITY.

  1. Before you begin, in the SilentInstallResponseFile.json file, in the client secret and password fields, ensure to replace ****** with the actual secret and password.
  2. To run the integrated installer from a command prompt, use the following command:
    [Install media location]\Setup\setup.exe --response SilentInstallResponseFile.json

    The installation will begin.

    You can further customize CIMPLICITY installation options in addition to the options provided in the SilentInstallResponseFile.json file. For more information, see the Customize Options to Run the Integrated Install from a Command Line section.
  3. Reboot your system after silent installation to successfully register the components.
    Sample of the SilentInstallResponseFile.json file for different components
    Common Components
      "packageSelected": "CommonComponents",
      "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
      "configHubClientId": "ADMIN",
      "configHubClientSecret": "******",
      "uaaClientId": "ADMIN",
      "uaaClientSecret": "******",
      "selectedPackageProducts": [
          "productName": "Configuration Hub",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Proficy Authentication",
          "installType": "installText"
    SCADA Client
      "packageSelected": "ScadaClient",
      "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
      "selectedPackageProducts": [
          "productName": "SCADA Viewer",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Client Tools",
          "installType": "installText"
      "historianServerLocation": "HISTORIANSERVERNAME"
    SCADA Standalone Server
      "packageSelected": "ScadaStandAloneServer",
      "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
      "selectedPackageProducts": [
          "productName": "SCADA",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Client Tools",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Server",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Collectors",
          "installType": "installText"
      "dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
      "enableCertificateSecurity": false,
      "serverCertPassPhrase": ""
    SCADA with Remote Historian
      "packageSelected": "ScadaWithRemoteHistorian",
      "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
      "selectedPackageProducts": [
          "productName": "SCADA",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Client Tools",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Collectors",
          "installType": "installText"
      "dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
      "historianServerLocation": "HISTORIANSERVERNAME",
      "historianUserName": "ADMINISTRATOR",
      "historianPassword": "******"
    SCADA with Tracker
      "packageSelected": "ScadaMES",
      "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
      "selectedPackageProducts": [
          "productName": "SCADA",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Tracker",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Client Tools",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Server",
          "installType": "installText"
          "productName": "Historian Collectors",
          "installType": "installText"
      "dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
      "enableCertificateSecurity": false,
      "serverCertPassPhrase": ""
    Historian Server
    "packageSelected": "HistorianServer",
    "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
    "selectedPackageProducts": [
    "productName": "Historian Server",
    "installType": "installText"
    "dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
    "enableCertificateSecurity": false,
    "serverCertPassPhrase": ""
    Operations Hub
    "packageSelected": "productOpsHub",
    "installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
    "opshubusername": "ch_admin",
    "opshubpassword": "******",
    "ophub": {
    "useLocalUaa": false,
    "uaaBaseUrl": https://server/uaa,
    "adminClientId": "admin",
    "adminClientSecret": "******",
    "configHubRegClientId": "admin",
    "configHubRegClientSecret": "******",
    "deferConfigHubRegistration": true
    "opshubdrivelocation": "C:",
    "selectedPackageProducts": [
    "productName": "Operations Hub",
    "installType": "installText",
    "opshubinstalltype": "Silent Install"