Install Local Help

When you install CIMPLICITY using the integrated installer, by default, the online help mode is selected and pointed to the online help on the GE documentation server. However, if you want to install the help locally, you can do it. It is recommended to use the online help, as it is always updated with the latest changes.

To install the help locally,

  1. Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator.

    The Windows PowerShell prompt appears.

  2. In the PowerShell prompt, navigate to [Install media location]\CIMPLICITY\Setup\help.

    For example, if the install media is in the D:\ drive, you can enter cd D:\CIMPLICITY\Setup\help.

  3. Execute the Setup.bat file by entering the .\Setup.bat command.

    The help installation begins.

  4. After the installation completes, reboot your system to successfully register your component.
  5. After rebooting, change the help option to Local Help. For more information, see Configure Help section available in Project Setup.