Regenerate the Self Signed SSL Certificate

The default validity of an SSL certificate is 2 years. You can use the below steps to regenerate the self signed SSL certificate.

You must know the following parameters:
  • <InstallationPath>: The installation directory of Proficy CIMPLICITY.
  • <ConfigServicePortNumber>: Port number for the CIMPLICITY Configuration Service (typically 4955).
  • <UABrowseServicePortNumber>: Port number for the UA Browse Service (typically 4956).
  • <RootCertificateName>: The name of the root certificate file without the extension.
  • <ServerCetificateName>: The name of the Server certificate/key files without the extensions.
    Note: The default value of ServerCertificateName is server_cert. To use a different file name, update the variables ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key in the httpd.conf file with the new values and restart the CIMPLICITY HTTPD Service.
  • <Passphrase>: Passphrase used to protect the generated Server certificate file.
Important: Go to the path where CIMPLICITY is installed, and delete the ScadaConfigPki folder containing the installed SSL certificates.
  1. Open the command prompt.
  2. In the command prompt, navigate to the path where CIMPLICITY is installed.
    Example: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy CIMPLICITY
  3. Enter the following command in the command prompt:
    config_service_cert.bat <InstallationPath> <ConfigServicePortNumber> <UABrowseServicePortNumber> <RootCertificateName> <ServerCertificateName> <passphrase>
    Example: config_service_cert.bat "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy CIMPLICITY\" 4855 4865 CimScadaConfigRootCA server_cert cimplicity
    The SSL certificate is now regenerated.