Update validity of the Self Signed SSL Certificate

The default validity of an SSL certificate is 2 years.

You can update the validity of the SSL certificate by applying the following steps:

  1. Access the config_service_cert batch file.
  2. Update the number of days for which the SSL certificate should be valid in the following occurrences in the batch file:
    REM create the rootCA certificate
    %1\OpenSSL\openssl x509 -req -sha256 -extfile %rootCfgFileName% -days <validity period in days> -signkey %rootKeyFileName% -in %rootCsrFileName% -out %rootCrtFileName%
    REM create the server certificate
    %1\OpenSSL\openssl x509 -req -sha256 -extfile %serverCfgFileName% -days <validity period in days> -CA %rootCrtFileName% -CAkey %rootKeyFileName% -CAserial %serverSerialFileName% -in %serverCsrFileName% -out %serverCrtFileName%

The validity of the SSL certificate is now updated.