2.3. CimLayout Configuration Editor: Left Pane

The tree in the CimLayout Configuration Editor left pane lists the Container layout sections. The tree components that display depend on the selected container type.

  • Left Pane: Screen container
  • Left Pane: Splitter container`
  • Left Pane: Tab container

Left Pane: Screen Container

A screen container identifying label and Variables node display in the left-pane tree.; the screen container is the last container entry in a splitter container tree section.

Left Pane: Splitter Container

A splitter container displays a tree of splits (Left/Top and Right/Bottom) in the left pane.

A Left/Top
B Left/Top identifier.
C Right/Bottom
D Right/Bottom identifier.

Note: A screen container is the last entry in each tree section.

Left Pane: Tab Container

A tab container left-pane lists the tabs that will be included in the CimLayout container. ??