3. Program Editor: Point Tools

About this task

The Program Editor provides tools to facilitate working with points in a script, as follows.

1 Browse
2 Edit
3 New
4 Set
5 Get
6 Dim
1 Browse


  1. Place the insertion point in the script where the selected point will be inserted.
  2. Click Tools>Points>Browse on the Program Editor menu bar.

    The Select a Point Browser opens.

  3. Select the point to be inserted.
  4. Click OK.

    Result: The point ID is inserted in double quotes at the insertion point.

    2 Edit
  5. Select a point ID in the script.
  6. Click Tools>Points>Edit on the Program Editor menu bar.

    The Point Properties dialog box opens for the selected point.

  7. Make required edits to the point.
  8. Close the Point Properties dialog box.

    Result: The selected point configuration is edited if the project is:

    • Running and Dynamic Configuration is enabled
    • Not running after a configuration update has been performed.
    3 New
  9. Place the insertion point in the script where the new point will be inserted.
  10. Click Tools>Points>New on the Program Editor menu bar.

    A New Point dialog box opens.

  11. Create and configure a new point (in the Point Properties dialog box).
  12. Close the point's Point Properties dialog box.

    Result: The new point ID is inserted in the script at the insertion point.

    4 Set
  13. Place the insertion point in the script where the PointSet statement will be inserted.
  14. Click Tools>Points>Set on the Program Editor menu bar.

    A Set Point dialog box opens.

  15. Fill in the fields as follows.
    Field Description
    Point ID Point ID that will be inserted in the PointSet statement.
    Value Value assigned to the point in the PointSet statement.
  16. Click OK.

    Result: A PointSet statement is inserted at the insertion point in the script


    PointSet "TANK905" ,25

    5 Get
  17. Place the insertion point in the script where the PointGet function will be inserted.
  18. Click Tools>Points>Get on the Program Editor menu bar.

    A Get Point dialog box opens.

  19. Fill in the fields as follows.
    Field Description
    Point ID Point ID that will be inserted in the PointGet function.
    Returns Value received by the point in the PointGet function.
  20. Click OK.

    Result: A PointGet function is inserted at the insertion point in the script.


    P = PointGet ("TANKLEVEL")

    6 Dim
  21. Place the insertion point in the script where a Dim statement will be inserted.
  22. Click Tools>Points>Dim on the Program Editor menu bar.

    A Dimension Point Object dialog box opens.

  23. Fill in the fields as follows.
    Field Description
    Point Variable Point variable ID
    New Check to declare a new instance of the point variable.
  24. Click OK.


A Dim statement for a point or new point variable is inserted at the insertion point in the script.


Dim MyPoint1 As New Point