Single (data type)

Syntax Single
Description A data type used to declare variables capable of holding real numbers with up to seven digits of precision.
Comments Single variables are used to hold numbers within the following ranges: Sign??Range Negative?? -3.402823E38 <= single <= -1.401298E-45 Positive?? 1.401298E-45 <= single <= 3.402823E38 The type-declaration character for Single is ! .
Storage Internally, singles are stored as 4-byte (32-bit) IEEE values. Thus, when appearing within a structure, singles require 4 bytes of storage. When used with binary or random files, 4 bytes of storage is required. Each single consists of the following
  • A 1-bit sign
  • An 8-bit exponent
  • A 24-bit mantissa
See Also Currency (data type); Date (data type); Double (data type); Integer (data type); Long (data type); Object (data type); String (data type); Variant (data type); Boolean (data type); DefType (statement); CSng (function).