About this task

For Network System
Purpose To secure a PC with encryption. When you activate SECURE SOCKETS encryption on one PC, then only PCs that support this parameter (PCs that have CIMPLICITY 4.01-Service Pack 2 or higher installed) will be able to communicate with the secure PC. All data transfer to the secure PC will be encrypted.

You activate this parameter by creating a globals.ini file.

todo: ??To activate SECURE_SOCKETS:


  1. Open Microsoft Notepad (or another text editor).
  2. Enter the following two lines.




    Y= Yes, activate encryption

    N= No, de-activate encryption

  3. Save the file as Globals.ini.
  4. Place Globals.ini in the ...\Proficy\Proficy CIMPLICITY\Data directory.
  5. Restart CIMPLICITY for encryption to take effect.
    Note: Only computers that have CIMPLICITY 4.01 service pack 2 or higher installed will be able to communicate with a SECURE_SOCKET encrypted PC.