Indexes, Columns, Rows in Group Tables

  • Indexes in group data logging tables.
  • Columns and rows in group data logging tables.

Indexes in group data logging tables

Indexes in Group logging tables include a:

  • Unique primary key index on the timestamp column.
  • Unique primary key index on the timestamp_utc column.

If you have selected the project name table attribute, the primary key index also includes the project name column.

The primary key includes an MSEC column, if milliseconds is enabled.

Columns and rows in group data logging tables

Columns and rows in Group logging tables are as follows.

Note: The prefix of each attribute column is based on the SQL Field Prefix specified for the point.

The index of each column is based on the point array element. Non array points always have index value of '0' (e.g. <prefix>_VAL0)

Column Name Data Type Description
Constant fields
timestamp date/time Timestamp of the logging event
timestamp_utc date/time UTC timestamp of the logging event
Attribute fields
<prefix>_ALRM<index> string Alarm state of the point .
<prefix>_ENG<index> string Engineering units label of the point.
<prefix>_PREV<index> Depends on point type Previous logged value of the point for the same logging event.
<prefix>_VAL<index> <prefix>_VAL<index> Value of the point.
<prefix>_TIME<index> date/time Previous time the point was logged for the same logging event.
<prefix>_TIME_UTC<index> UTC date/time Previous UTC time the point was logged for the same logging event.
<prefix>_RAW<index> Depends on point type Raw value of the point.
<prefix>_RES<index> string CIMPLICITY Resource associated with the point.
<prefix>_QUALITY<index> number Point quality flags.
<prefix>_USER<index> number Value of the user defined flags.
Optional fields
project string Name of the CIMPLICITY project
msec number Actual number of milliseconds in the timestamp
Note: The maximum number of columns a table can have is SBMS specific. Consult your DBMS documentation to ensure that your Group table does not exceed these limits. Default MSDE DBMS is 1024 columns, 8060 Bytes per row.
Important: Since the Microsoft Access (As-Is product) and Oracle format does not support sub-second timestamp data, you cannot log points to a Group table at sub-second rates. Attempting to do so will cause the duplicate-keyed records to be dropped from the database, unless you have enabled millisecond logging.