Wait State Methods and Events

Trend has an option to fire events that allow you to know if the Trend control is waiting for logged data from the database. One of the events is fired when the Trend enters a state where the Trend is waiting for logged data that is taking longer than a configurable threshold (in seconds). Once the data is received, another event is fired to let the screen know that the Trend has left the waiting state.

These events are particularly useful when retrieving data that takes a long time to retrieve. For example, the CimView screen can either disable buttons or have a flashing light that lets the user know that the Trend is working on getting the data.

The following methods allow you to enable, disable, enter or leave the wait state events:

Method CimView Trend Chart
EnableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents Enables the firing of logged data wait state events in the Trend control.
DisableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents Disables or turns off the firing of logged data request wait state events in the Trend control.
EnteringOutstandingLoggedRequestState Fired when the Trend control has determined that it has logged data requests that have been outstanding (waiting) for longer than the specified number of seconds.
LeavingOutstandingLoggedRequestState Fired when the Trend control has determined that it no longer has any logged data requests that are outstanding.