Step 2. Configure Groups for the TADB

About this task

Important: Groups are entered into the TADB database only. They are not recorded in PRT.


  1. Select an Item Type in the Types box.
  2. Click above the Groups box.

    The TADB Attribute Group Configuration dialog box opens.

  3. Fill in the fields, as follows.
    Field Description
    Item Type (Read only) Displays the selected item Type ID.
    Name Name of the attribute to match. If you fill in a name without an expression, then the attribute is returned if it exists.
    Type List An attribute associated with the group can consist of more than one unit. For example, a computer may have an attribute that represents a hard drive. However, a user may order two hard drives, not just one.
    Normal Each attribute in the group must be a single entity.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Save button on the TrackerCfg_UI toolbar to save your new entries.


The groups will be written to the  TADB database when you do a TADB Configuration Update.