Option 9.2. Item Type Display Points

About this task

Item type display points enable you to specify a setpoint that can be used to identify the quantity of a particular item type in a region. The point can be used in graphic screens to supply you with runtime data about the quantity of a particular item at any given time keeping operators abreast of potential problems in a region.


  1. Open the PRT Display Attribute Configuration dialog box as follows:
    1. Expand the PRT folder in the Tracker Configuration left pane.
    2. Expand the Advanced folder.
    3. Double-click Item Type Display Points.

    A list box displays in the right pane.

    1. Click   in the right pane.
    2. Select New from the Popup menu.

    A new PRT Display Attributes Configuration dialog box opens.

  2. Configure the PRT display attribute quantity, as follows:
    Field Description
    Region ID The region in which data is to be collected.
    Item Type The item type whose quantity is to be displayed.
    Quantity A setpoint ID that will be used to determine the item type quantity in the region.
  3. Click OK.


The item display point configuration is added to your Tracking Model.