About this task

(Available with Order Execution Mgt.)




  1. Fetches the data based on the item ID(s) belonging to a specified Region, Region Location, Item Type and Item Class.
  2. Merges the data with the form.

    Note: If there is more than one item that meets the specified criteria broadcast will occur for all the item IDs sequentially.

    The basic sequence of actions is as follows:

  3. Based on the information available in the input form, Tracker queries the Database at runtime (e.g. Query engine, Tracker Attributes, Extended Tracker Attributes).
  4. When Tracker successfully gets the data, Get WYSIWYG Form creates a file by merging this data with the form.
  5. The file created by Get WYSIWYG Form is:
    1. Queued for use through the Windows Print Queue Manager.
    2. Saved in a configured directory so it can be used for reprint/resend purposes.

    Note: Get WYSIWYG Form is similar to the Get ASCII Form Broadcast function block.

    The only difference between the two is Get WYSIWYG Form is used with WYSIWYG forms.


    This function block has the following parameters:

    Parameter Description
    WYSIWYG Form Name The name of the WYSIWYG form that is merged with the data that has been fetched.
    Region ID ID of the region where the item is located.
    Region Location Numeric values only Location of the item in the selected region. Based on the location entered in this field, the following items in the configured region will be broadcast using the supplied form
    Location Broadcast Items in the Configured Region
    -3 All the items in all the locations.
    -2 All the items in the first available location.
    -1 All the items in the last available location in the configured Region will be broadcast , using the supplied form
     0 Invalid.
    Note: For any invalid region location, including 0, or by default, the System will broadcast the first available location in the configured Region using the supplied form.
    Item Class Class of the item. Note: If Item Class is blank all items in the selected region, region location and of the selected item type will be broadcast.
    Item Type Type of the item. Note: If Item Type is blank all items in the selected region, region location and of the selected item class will be broadcast.