PrtRegion.LocateItem (Method)


PrtRegion.LocateItem itemId$, refId$ [ , numRetries ]


Locates a serialized item within the tracking region. Upon return, PrtRegion.ItemCount contains the number of items found, and may access each found item through the PrtRegion.Item function.

Parameter Description
itemId$ String. The Item ID to locate, may be an empty string if refId$ is specified.
refId$ String. The Reference ID of the item to locate, may omitted or an empty string if itemId$ is specified.
numRetries Integer (optional) - The number of times to retry to find the item before failing. If an item is in transition from one tracking region to the next, there is a small period of time when it doesn't appear in either regions tracking queue. Defaults to 3 if not specified.


Dim Region as new PrtRegion
Region.Id = "SCHEDULE"
' Get a single item from a region with its RefId and display
'    its ItemId in a message box.
Region.LocateItem "",REFNUM$
MsgBox Region.Item(0).ItemId