PrtRegion.AdvanceModel (Method)


PrtRegion.AdvanceModel destRegionId$ [ , comment$ [ , userId$ ]


Advances the next Item Carrier to leave the region to a destination region.

Note: This call moves all items at the FIRST (EXIT) location in the source region to the LAST (ENTRY) location in the destination region.
Parameter Description
destRegionId$ String. Destination Region ID; region the item is moving into.
comment$ String. (Optional) Comment to place in PRT log file.
userId$ String. (Optional) User ID to place into PRT log file.


Dim Region as new PrtRegion
Region.Id = "Schedule"
'Determine if there are any items in the region,
'    and advance the first one if there are.
If Region.ItemCount > 0 then
       Region.AdvanceModel "Production"
End If