7. Simple Expression for Attribute Lists


Display all values for one attribute and values in selected positions for another.


There is one Attribute Group (in the expression), defined as follows.

Order Card Attributes include A, C.

Query Expression

Order Card.A;Order Card.C,3,2

Criteria Is/are the:
A Order card attribute
C Order card attribute
Note: List of attributes are separated by semi-colons

Query Expression says:

Return the Order Card A attribute and 2 characters from the C attribute value positions 3 and 4.

Query Expression Results

The results come back:

  • In a 2-dimensional array.
  • The columns are:
  • A 0 based index in the first column.
  • Returned values in the second column.
  • Two indexed rows correspond to the expression's returned values.

The results for the above attribute list might look like this:

0 DFG7 J3356F5CS
1 G9

The indexed rows relate to the expression as follows.

Expression Index Result
Order Card.A 0 DFG7 J3356F5CS
Order Card.C,3,2 1 G9

Note: The index column is for when attribute from a list group is requested.