Eliminate Decision Based on Attribute Spacing


Eliminate Decision Based on Attribute Spacing eliminates a decision using spacing by attribute counts.


This function block has an additional parameter, an array point ID that lists the item class for each attribute. Only items that belong to the specified item class will be considered.

Once the count exceeds the rule, the count is reset.


This function block has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Item Class Name of array point that lists item class of the item that contains the attribute. Specify the class of the items to be considered or leave blank for all items.
Attribute Name Name of the array point that lists the attribute names to be compared. Compare value(s) of the corresponding element in the attribute value array point to the attribute value of the head item for each of the source regions.
Attribute Value Name of the array point that contains the Attribute value(s). Each element can contain one or multiple values with a comma separator. Do not include quotes. For example: element 0 = 1 ton,3/4 ton element 1 = K
Spacing Rule The number of jobs that must be spaced between jobs with the corresponding attribute value(s).
Spacing Count The number of jobs released since a job with the corresponding attribute value was released.
Spacing Breakability If breakable (element = 1) and all sources are eliminated, roll back the decisions eliminated during the comparison by one set of related elements.