Apply Hold to Item

(Available with Order Execution Mgt.)


Apply Hold to Item places a named hold on the item at a particular location in a specified region.

Note:  Only items local to the current project are modified. You can apply this function block across multiple projects by entering a comma-delimited list of project names into the Project ID field and recompiling.

 A named hold is a special type of attribute that specifies the range in which the hold is active.  The item will actually be in hold state only when it physically enters the range where the hold is active..

The range is retrieved from the given Hold Active Range Point name.


This function block has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Region Name Name of the Region where the item is currently located.
Region Location Location of the item in the Region. Select a location, or enter a value greater than zero that specifies a location. Note: The first location, i.e. 1,  is at the head of the region, the last location is at its tail. Items generally move from tail to head.
Item Class Class of the item to place on hold.
Hold Attribute Name Name of the standard attribute that stores an item's hold name. Note: You can configure the standard attributes that appear in this list by selecting Tools>Attribute Maintenance on the TrackerCfg_UI window menu bar.
Hold Expiration Period Number of hours until the hold expires, starting at the time the function block executes. Enter a numeric value.
Important: The numeric value must be manually entered; it cannot be retrieved from an analog point.
Enter a value of 0 to specify an unlimited hold.
Hold Exp. Time Point (Optional) Date-time real double analog point Time at which the hold will expire. Selecting a point for this parameter overrides the Hold Expiration Period, which it supercedes.
Hold Description (Optional) Description saved with the hold. The description is stored in the extended attributes for items on hold.
Hold Attribute Point (Optional) Text point Contains dynamically changeable hold attribute name Supercedes Hold Attribute Name.
Hold Active Range Point Range where the hold is active. The range is retrieved from the given range point. Note: The hold placed on the specified item does not take effect until it enters the named range or region. Supercedes Hold Active Range.
Project ID (Optional) Names of one or more projects in which the selected region may be found. Note: Leave this field blank to limit the search for regions to the local project only.
Project Point ID (Optional) Text point. Stores a list of project(s). Supercedes Project ID.