About this task

Associated Point Type Device or Virtual
Access Read only
Value Type Boolean
Expression Syntax PointID.QUALITY.IS_IN_RANGE
Description Reflects if a point exceeds the range limits that are defined for it.
1 The point is in range.
0 The point exceeds the range limits.
Important: When a point goes unavailable, ALARMED and the IS_IN_RANGE attributes keep the value they had when that point was last available. This might not reflect the point's actual value while it is unavailable.



  1. An available device point that is out of range becomes unavailable.
  2. The unavailable device point is:
  3. Placed in Manual Mode
  4. Set so its value is in range
  5.  The point's IS_IN_RANGE attribute will equal 1.
  6. The unavailable device point is taken out of Manual Mode
  7. The point's IS_IN_RANGE attribute continues to equal 1.,

    Because the point is unavailable, the Point Manager does not know that the point value is now in range; as a result, the Point Manager has no reason to change the IS_IN_RANGE attribute value.