User Defined Point Attributes


  1. Create several user defined fields, (attribute definitions) within a set, then
  2. Associate the attribute set with a point. (The same attribute set can be associated with more than one point.), then
  3. Associate your user-defined fields with that point in expressions in:
    • Event Editor,
    • CimEdit for CimView,
    • Point Control Panel opened from a CimView screen,
    • Custom applications making point requests, and
    • BCE scripts.


    The processes for a machine point called MACH_TEMP are different depending on whether or not a man is online. You:

  4. Create an attribute set call PROC.
  5. Include an attribute field called MOL (man-on-line).
  6. Associate the attribute set PROC with the machine's MACH_TEMP point.
  7. Create a CimView screen object that displays the value of the MOL field.

    During runtime, the CimView screen will alert users whether or not a man is online for the point MACH_TEMP provided your application has set the attribute.