Redundancy Object Components


  1. GefRedundancy class.
  2. Redundancy object.
  3. CIMPLICITY Redundancy object points as follows:
    REDUNDANCY.PRI_ACTIVE Primary computer is active. (i.e. CIMPLICITY is running on the primary computer.)
    REDUNDANCY.RESTORE_PRIMARY When set to 1(by a button on the Redundancy CimView screen), the active is switched to the primary computer.
    REDUNDANCY.SEC_ACTIVE Secondary computer is active. (i.e. CIMPLICITY is running on the secondary computer.)
    REDUNDANCY.SWITCH_TO_SEC When set to 1(by a button on the Redundancy CimView screen), the active is switched to the secondary computer.
  4. GefRedundancy CimEdit/CimView screen.
    Note: You do not have to do any configuration for the redundancy class and object. CIMPLICITY does it all for you.