StrComp (function)

Syntax StrComp (string1,string2 [,compare])
Description Returns an Integer indicating the result of comparing the two string arguments.
Comments Any of the following values are returned:
0 string1 = string2
1 string1 > string2
1 string1 < string2
NULL string1 or string2 is Null
The StrComp function accepts the following parameters:
Parameter Description
string1 First string to be compared, which can be any expression convertible to a String.
string2 Second string to be compared, which can be any expression convertible to a String.
compare Optional Integer specifying how the comparison is to be performed. It can be either of the following values:
0 Case-sensitive comparison
1 Case-insensitive comparison
If compare is not specified, then the current Option Compare setting is used. If no Option Compare statement has been encountered, then Binary is used (that is, string comparison is case-sensitive).
Example This example compares two strings and displays the results. It illustrates that the function compares two strings to the length of the shorter string in determining equivalency.
Const crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Sub Main()
  Dim abc As Integer
  Dim abi As Integer
  Dim cdc As Integer
  Dim cdi As Integer
  a$ = "This string is UPPERCASE and lowercase"
  b$ = "This string is uppercase and lowercase"
  c$ = "This string"
  d$ = "This string is uppercase and lowercase characters"
  msg1 = "a = " & a & crlf
  msg1 = msg1 & "b = " & b & crlf
  msg1 = msg1 & "c = " & c & crlf
  msg1 = msg1 & "d = " & d & crlf & crlf
  abc = StrComp(a$,b$,1)
  msg1 = msg1 & "a and c (insensitive) : " & abc & crlf
  abi = StrComp(a$,b$,0)
  msg1 = msg1 & "a and c (sensitive): " & abi & crlf
  cdc = StrComp(c$,d$,1)
  msg1 = msg1 & "c and d (insensitive): " & cdc & crlf
  cdi = StrComp(c$,d$,0)
  msg1 = msg1 & "c and d (sensitive) : " & cdi & crlf
  MsgBox msg1
End Sub
See Also Comparison Operators (topic); Like (operator); Option Compare (statement).