Point.SetArray (statement)

Syntax Point.SetArray array [ , startElement [ , endElement [ , fromElement]]]
Description To set an array point's values directly from a Basic array.
Comments There are several rules to keep in mind:
  • If the array is dimensioned smaller than the point, only that many elements will be copied into the point.
  • If the array is larger than the point, all elements of the array are copied, and the rest of the array is ignored.
If the startElement is specified, the function will start copying data from the array at this element and will continue until the end of the array is reached or the point is full whichever occurs first. If the endElement is specified, the function will stop copying data from the array after copying this element or when the point is full. If the fromElement is specified, the values copied from the array start at this element in the point array and continue as described above.
Parameter Description
array Array. A dimensioned or undimensioned Basic Array from which the point data will be copied.
startElement Integer. (optional) The first array element from which data will be copied.
endElement Integer. (optional) The last array element from which data will be copied.
fromElement Integer. (optional) The first point element to which data is to be copied.
' Read an array point, sort the elements by value and write them
' out to CIMPLICITY sorted.
sub main()
    Dim x() as integer         'Declare the value array
    Dim MyPoint as new Point     'Declare the point object
    MyPoint.id = "POINTNAME"     'Assign point to script
    MyPoint.Get                  'Get the point value
    MyPoint.GetArray x           'Transfer point element into array
    ArraySort x                'Sort the array
    MyPoint.SetArray x           'Transfer to array into the point
    MyPoint.Set                  'Transfer the sorted data to CIMPLICITY.
end sub
See Also Point.SetRawArray (method); Point.Value (property, read/write), Point.GetArray (method); Point.Set (method).
Note The SetArray method only updates the internal value of the point object. The Set method must be executed to write the value out to the CIMPLICITY project.