3. Error Message List

The following table contains a list of all the errors generated by the Basic Control Engine compiler. With some errors, the compiler changes placeholders within the error to text from the script being compiled. These placeholders are represented in this table by the word placeholder.

Number Message
1 Variable Required - Can't assign to this expression
2 Letter range must be in ascending order
3 Redefinition of default type
4 Out of memory, too many variables defined
5 Type-character doesn't match defined type
6 Expression too complex
7 Cannot assign whole array
8 Assignment variable and expression are different types
10 Array type mismatch in parameter
11 Array type expected for parameter
12 Array type unexpected for parameter
13 Integer expression expected for an array index
14 Integer expression expected
15 String expression expected
18 Left of "." must be an object, structure, or dialog
19 Invalid string operator
20 Can't apply operator to array type
21 Operator type mismatch
22 "placeholder" is not a variable
23 "placeholder" is not a array variable or a function
24 Unknown placeholder "placeholder"
25 Out of memory
26 placeholder: Too many parameters encountered
27 placeholder: Missing parameter(s)
28 placeholder: Type mismatch in parameter placeholder
29 Missing label "placeholder"
30 Too many nested statements
31 Encountered new-line in string
32 Overflow in decimal value
33 Overflow in hex value
34 Overflow in octal value
35 Expression is not constant
37 No type-characters allowed on parameters with explicit type
39 Can't pass an array by value
40 "placeholder" is already declared as a parameter
41 Variable name used as label name
42 Duplicate label
43 Not inside a function
44 Not inside a sub
46 Can't assign to function
47 Identifier is already a variable
48 Unknown type
49 Variable is not an array type
50 Can't redimension an array to a different type
51 Identifier is not a string array variable
52 0 expected
55 Integer expression expected for file number
56 placeholder is not a method of the object
57 placeholder is not a property of the object
58 Expecting 0 or 1
59 Boolean expression expected
60 Numeric expression expected
61 Numeric type FOR variable expected
62 For...Next variable mismatch
63 Out of string storage space
64 Out of identifier storage space
65 Internal error 1
66 Maximum line length exceeded
67 Internal error 3
68 Division by zero
69 Overflow in expression
70 Floating-point expression expected
72 Invalid floating-point operator
74 Single character expected
75 Subroutine identifier can't have a type-declaration character
76 Script is too large to be compiled
77 Variable type expected
78 Can't evaluate expression
79 Can't assign to user or dialog type variable
80 Maximum string length exceeded
81 Identifier name already in use as another type
84 Operator cannot be used on an object
85 placeholder is not a property or method of the object
86 Type-character not allowed on label
87 Type-character mismatch on routine placeholder
88 Destination name is already a constant
89 Can't assign to constant
90 Error in format of compiler extensions
91 Identifier too long
92 Expecting string or structure expression
93 Can't assign to expression
94 Dialog and Object types are not supported in this context
95 Array expression not supported as parameter
96 Dialogs, objects, and structures expressions are not supported as a parameter
97 Invalid numeric operator
98 Invalid structure element name following "."
99 Access value can't be used with specified mode
101 Invalid operator for object
102 Can't LSet a type with a variable-length string
103 Syntax error
104 placeholder is not a method of the object
105 No members defined
106 Duplicate type member
107 Set is for object assignments
108 Type-character mismatch on variable
109 Bad octal number
110 Bad number
111 End-of-script encountered in comment
112 Misplaced line continuation
113 Invalid escape sequence
114 Missing End Inline
115 Statement expected
116 ByRef argument mismatch
117 Integer overflow
118 Long overflow
119 Single overflow
120 Double overflow
121 Currency overflow
122 Optional argument must be Variant
123 Parameter must be optional
124 Parameter is not optional
125 Expected: Lib
126 Illegal external function return type
127 Illegal function return type
128 Variable not defined
129 No default property for the object
130 The object does not have an assignable default property
131 Parameters cannot be fixed length strings
132 Invalid length for a fixed length string
133 Return type is different from a prior declaration
134 Private variable too large. Storage space exceeded
135 Public variables too large. Storage space exceeded