BCEUI Toolbar

You can use the Toolbar option on the View menu to turn on and off the display of the BCEUI Toolbar. You can fix the Toolbar in the BCEUI window or display it in a separate window at your discretion.

The buttons on the BCEUI Toolbar are:

New Creates a new BCEUI document.
Open Opens an existing BCEUI document.
Save Saves the current BCEUI document to a file.
Event List Opens the Properties dialog box, from which you can add, delete or trigger events.
Add Events Opens the Select an Event browser, from which you can connect to a project and select events to add to the list of monitored events.
Stop Scripts Stops any currently selected scripts that are paused or running.
Pause Scripts Pauses any currently selected running scripts.
Resume Scripts Resumes any currently selected paused scripts.
Pause View Toggles between dynamic and paused view.
Clear Finished Actions Clears finished actions from the view.
About Displays the program identification, version number and copyright for the BCEUI.