Examples for Binding Valid Performers and Verifiers

Workflow provides the ability to bind valid performers and valid verifiers to an input parameter or the current value of a data item.

The following examples describe how to use binding for valid performers and verifiers.
I: Bind a valid performer or verifier to an input parameter on a global subprocess

You develop a global subprocess that will be used in multiple places in your facility. In this subprocess you have included a form activity that is configured with electronic signature requirements.

One of the workflows that uses the subprocess controls Line A and the other workflow controls Line B. You want to ensure that a different group of users can sign this form. For example, for Line A, the group Line A Operators must perform the signing; for Line B, the group Line B Operators must perform the signing.

To ensure that the correct group of users can sign the form, configure an input parameter for the subprocess so that the security group DirectoryResource data type is passed into the subprocess. On the form activity, bind the Valid Performers group property to the value of the input parameter.

In this way, you can specify different valid groups based on the workflow the subprocess is being used in without having to rewrite or duplicate your subprocess logic.

II: Bind a valid performer or verifier to the current value of a data item

To use this method, use a Search call method (see IDirectorySearch service interface) to dynamically get to a different security group and bind to its result.

Note: If you follow either of these examples to configure a binding that uses a DirectoryResource data type, you must ensure that your logic is correctly set up so that it resolves to a security group at run time.