Key Set Assignment Examples

Workflow security is location-based; that is, you assign permissions to a personnel group based on equipment locations and workstations within your facility. Security is a combination of permissions (key sets), plus workstation(s), plus location, and this combination is assigned to a group.

You can assign key sets for a group on individual pieces of equipment, and by workstation. You can also assign key sets on a global basis.

A key set is a collection of permissions. If you assign a key set to a group for a specific location, that group can perform all the tasks allowed in that key set. You cannot assign key sets or add workstations for individual users.

A personnel group is a collection of users with the same access rights to your facility's processes. When you assign key sets to a group, each member of the group inherits the permissions defined for the key set.

Example 1

You have a group called Line 1 Supervisors and you have defined the Create Equipment permission for the Equipment Configurator key set. You have assigned the Line 1 Supervisors group to Line 1 in your facility with the Equipment Configurator key set and Workstation D. This configuration allows the Line 1 Supervisors group to create equipment resources for Line 1, but only when logged on to Workstation D. If you want the Line 1 Supervisors to be able to create equipment resources for Line 1 from any workstation, you can add all workstations to the Equipment Configurator key set for this group.

Globally Defined Key Sets

If you want the Line 1 Supervisors to be able to create equipment resources for all locations in your facility, you can configure this at the global level. Be aware that if you configure this at the global level, you cannot remove the key set from an individual location. To configure this group to be able to create equipment resources on specific locations, you must configure the key set and workstation for the group on each individual location.

When you configure security for a selected group at the global level, those assignments are visible at all locations. For example, if you assign the S95 Configurator key set for a single workstation at the global level, that key set and workstation combination is defined for the selected group on all equipment locations in your enterprise. You cannot remove this key set/workstation from an individual location; you can remove or change it only at the global level.

Solution Display Key Sets

In addition to assigning key sets to a group and location, you can assign key sets to a group for a solution display. When you assign a key set with the Visible permission to a solution display for a group, that display is visible for the members of that group at all times, regardless of the workstation the user is logged on to. For example, if you want to make the Report View visible only to the Administrators group, set the Visible permission on the Administrators key set and then add that key set to the Administrators group for the Report View solution display.

Example 2

You have three users, Dave, George, and Tim, who are all members of the Operator A group. All three users need access to Storage Zone A, while Tim needs additional access to Storage Zone B. In order for Tim to have access to Storage Zone B, he must be a member of the group Operator B, which has the key set for Storage Zone B assigned to it.