Install Web HMI

Follow this procedure if you are installing on a fresh Windows system.

  • Only install Web HMI on operating systems supporting the English language.
  • Run Windows Update (including security updates) before installing Web HMI.
  • If using iFIX, verify that it is installed before installing Web HMI. Otherwise, you must run the Data Service Configuration tool.
  • Do not install Web HMI on a host machine with a name containing underscores (_), percent signs (%), or pound symbols (#). Valid characters in the host name (up to 24 characters) can contain letters from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), the minus sign (-), and the period (.). For more information, see Microsoft KB article 149044. You cannot add a percent sign, pound sign, or underscore to the DNS Host Name.
  • Install Web HMI on a Windows system without any applications already bundled with Web HMI. If applications, such as PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ, are installed, you must remove them before proceeding.
    Note: Some applications like PostgreSQL require you to manually remove the PostgreSQL folder in Program Files to completely uninstall it.
  • If a VM screen appears frozen when installing Web HMI, click on it to view information about the installation. This typically occurs after 15 minutes of inactivity.
  1. Start the installation program.
    If the installation fails on Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10, right-click the installation program and select Run as Administrator.
  2. In the Welcome screen, select Next.
  3. In the License Agreement screen, select Accept, and then Next.
  4. In the Configure Install Path screen, select Browse to choose the installation directory path or accept the default path.
    If you are not using the default installation path, make sure the path does not exceed 32 characters.
  5. In the Configure Host and Port screen, define which URLs (host names or IP addresses) can be used by a browser to connect to Web HMI. For more information, see Connections based on URLs.
    IP address (required for mobile devices)You must use the IP address format of <servername>;<IP address>, where no spaces are in the servername or before or after the semicolon (;).

    Example: HMIWebServer;

    You can add additional IP addresses known by the host using a semicolon, but these are not checked for accuracy.

    Example: HMIWebServer;;;

    Host nameExample: w2012r2
    For external Web HMI clients to connect to Web HMI, enable port number 443 or the port that you are using for the GE Web HMI installation in the incoming firewall rules.
  6. Select Next.
  7. In the Configure PostgreSQL screen, enter a new administrator password for PostgreSQL.
    Record this new password, as you will need it to reinstall or upgrade.
  8. In the Configure GE Administrator User screen, enter a user name and a password (10-character minimum) for your GE Administrator user.
    A user name can contain alphanumeric characters (at least one), hyphens, periods, underscores, email addresses, and spaces. It cannot start or end with a space. You cannot create the following user names: Administrator, GEAdmin, GEUser, gePeMsUser, System, and SuperUser.
    Record this user name and password, as you will use this user account to log in to Web HMI for the first time.
  9. In the Ready to Install screen, select Install.
    If a Progres screen appears, select Next and wait for the final screen to appear.
    The program installs Web HMI and its associated software.
  10. Select Exit when the installation completes.
Install the CA certificate, as explained in Install CA Certificates.