Alarm Microservice

The Alarm microservice receives messages from one or more Alarm Gateways, and manages the current alarm states in the context of the equipment model, including the alarm lists associated with each asset.

The rabbitMQ.server, rabbitMQ.alarm.logicalNames, hierarchyService.NetworSkName, and rank.ranks settings are in

The Web HMI dividing point values between the different alarm severity ranges are defined in the ranks.ranks setting of the Alarm Microservice. The default dividing points are 200, 800, 950, resulting in these default alarm severity ranges.

Low Severity ValueHigh Severity LevelDescriptionAlarm Icon
9501000Alarm is critical.
800949Alarm is high severity.
200799Alarm is medium severity.
1199Alarm is low severity.
Configurable SettingsPurposeDefault ValuesInternal Settings
logging.file=${}.log the log location and logging level.Same as configurable settings.None
rabbitMQ.serverRabbitMQ server host. localhost
rabbitMQ.alarm.logicalNamesComma-separated list of RabbitMQ topics. Each entry represents an alarm. alarms
hierarchyService.NetworSkNameName of the TW network. /AssetHierarchy_geAsset
rank.ranksComma-separated list of dividing point values for the alarm severity levels.200, 800, 950None