Manually Register Dataflow Editor with Configuration Hub

This topic describes how to manually register and unregister Dataflow Editor with Configuration Hub.

Before you begin

About this task

Perform these steps if you did not register Dataflow Editor with Configuration Hub during Operations Hub install.


  1. On the Operations Hub machine, open Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Change the directory to the path where Operations Hub is installed on your system: \Program Files\GE\Operations Hub\ node-red\
  3. Run the following command replacing placeholder with actual values:
    node.exe ch_reg_plugin.js  <OPHUB_HOST>   <HTTPS_PORT>  <configHubContainerServiceBaseUrl>   =<clientId>:<clientSecret>    nodered
    Placeholder Replace With
    <OPHUB_HOST> The primary host name you selected during install.
    <HTTPS_PORT> The port assigned to https protocol for Operations Hub. Typically it is 443.
    <configHubContainerServiceBaseUrl> The base URL of the Configuration Hub Container Service.
    <clientId> Identifier of a client that has permission (authority) to register with Configuration Hub.
    <clientSecret> Client secret used to authenticate the client.
    For example,
    node.exe  ch_reg_plugin.js   443  https://chhost:5000/container-svc/   =confighubadmin:itsSecret   nodered
  4. To unregister manually, you must run the following command before uninstalling Operations Hub:
    Note: If you registered manually, then you should also manually unregister. Uninstalling Operations Hub does not unregister if you did not choose to register during installation.
    Replace placeholder with actual values:
    node.exe ch_reg_plugin.js  <OPHUB_HOST>   <HTTPS_PORT>  <configHubContainerServiceBaseUrl>   =<clientId>:<clientSecret>    nodered  unreg