Solid Gauge

Use the widget to insert circular charts and monitor the status of industrial systems.

You can use both thin and thick gauges of these types:
  • Half
  • Three-fourths
  • Full

The solid gauge widget is available under INTEGRATION > DISPLAY. When designing application pages, drag-and-drop to a container.

Table 1. Solid Gauge Properties
Property Description
Title Enter a title to help identify the solid gauge at runtime.
Engineering Unit Enter the unit of measurement for the values on the gauge.
Width (px) (0 equals Dynamic) Enter a width for the solid gauge. If set to 0, the widget occupies 100% of its container, and fills the area in the application.
Background Color Select a background color to fill the widget.
Font Color Select a font color for the widget text.
Font Size (px) (0 equals Dynamic) Specify a font size in pixels for the solid gauge display text. If set to 0, the font resizes to match with the width of the widget.
Min Enter the minimum value for the solid gauge scale.
Max Enter the maximum value for the solid gauge scale.
Number of decimals Enter the number of decimal places to format values.
Sparkline The sparkline data is created based on the query applied to the widget. We can see a sparkline only if the query returns multiple records from the data source. The sparkline is not displayed for a single record even if it is enabled.

Select the check box to enable the sparkline for the selected Gauge Variant at runtime.

Gauge Variant List of different types of guages you can use in your application.
Text position Select a position to display text for the solid gauge at runtime.
  • Top Left is the default position.
  • You can choose to position the text at the Center of the gauge.
Range(s) You can specify one or more ranges to display in different colors.
  1. Select +Add Item.
  2. Enter a value for limit. At runtime, the gauge is displayed in the selected color on reaching this value.
  3. Select a color for the range limit.
  4. Use and to reorder ranges. The ranges are implemented in the specified order.
  5. Select to delete a range.
Alert Limit(s) You can add one or more alerts on a gauge, each with unique values.
  1. Select +Add Item.
  2. Enter a value for limit. At runtime, a line alert is displayed on the gauge on reaching this value.
  3. Select a color to identify the line alert.
  4. Use and to reorder alerts. The alerts are implemented in the specified order.
  5. Select to delete an alert.
Value To get values for the widget from a data source, use any of these options:
  • Select a query output.
  • Select a global parameter.
  • Enter source data manually.
  • Add a formula.
Result Set Index This property is applicable for REST queries only. It allows to define which index of the result set the widget should use as input data. Default is 0.

For example, consider a Historian REST query that returns data for three tags.

  • If you want the widget to use the first tag data from the query result set, then set the index value as 0.
  • To direct the widget to use the second tag data, enter the index value as 1.
  • Similarly, you can set index values as 2, 3, 4, etc. based on the data to provide as input to the widget.
Reverse Order This property helps to reverse the query result set.

Select the check box to provide the bottom record value as input to the widget.

Clear the check box to provide the top record value as input to the widget.

When you apply this property to REST queries that return more than one record for each input tag, the records of the selected tag (use Result Set Index to select the tag) are reversed.

For example, consider a Historian REST query with two input tags (tag1 and tag2); each with 100 records as result. Set the Result Set Index as 0 and verify the following:

  • If you selected the Reverse Order check box, then the 100th record (last) value of tag1 is displayed on the gauge.
  • If you cleared the Reverse Order check box, then the first record value of tag1 is displayed on the gauge.

Solid Gauge at Runtime

The change in values are indicated with changing colors.