Check Box

A check box widget is used to allow application users to choose between two mutually exclusive options. For example, you can use a check box to allow the application user to specify whether the user has read the license agreement. You can also use a check box to display or hide other widgets on the page. To use the new version, refer to Check Box.

Check Box Settings

When you use a check box widget, in addition to providing values for the default fields for a widget, you must define the following settings:
Type of the SettingDescription
Target DataIf this check box only represents input to a single query, you can select the target input from the list of inputs to the queries that have been added in the Page Data section.
SourceIdentifies the source of the check box value. You can specify one of the following types of sources:
  • Data: Select the source of data from the list of outputs from the queries that have been added in the Page Data section.
  • Manual: Select this option if you want to set true and false as the check box options.

Using a Check Box to Display or Hide a Camera Button

To use a check box widget to display or hide a Camera button, perform the following steps:
  1. Add the check box and camera widgets to the page.
  2. In the CHECKBOX PROPERTIES section, enter values in the Label and Id boxes, and then select the Global Data check box.
  3. In the CAMERA PROPERTIES section, select Add conditions.
  4. In the Camera Conditions window, select Add condition, and then enter or select values as shown in the following image.

    Note: In this case, CB was the ID specified for the check box widget.
  5. Select Done, and then save the application.

    In the application, the Camera button appears only if you select the check box.