
Using a gauge widget, you can plot data on a visual display. Some of the gauge widgets use a color-coded scale. The color of the reading indicates the risk level associated with the value.

Types of Gauge Widgets

The following types of gauge widgets are available:
  • Battery: In this gauge type, the value is plotted on a horizontal scale. This is the default gauge type. For example, the following image can represent a gauge that plots the speed of a vehicle in kph. The color-coded scale highlights whether the speed of the vehicle is safe or risky.

  • Meter - Arc: In this gauge type, the value is plotted on a curved scale. For example, the following image can represent the percentage of unplanned power outage events out of the total number of power outage events. The color in which the plotted value appears indicates whether the percentage is acceptable.

  • Meter - Radial: In this gauge type, the value is plotted on a circular scale. The gauge can be an internal radial or an external radial depending on whether the scale appears inside the radial or outside. For example, the following image represents an external radial meter gauge that plots the temperature inside an engine combustion chamber.

    The following image represents an internal radial meter gauge that plots the pressure inside an engine combustion chamber.

  • Tank: In this gauge type, the value is plotted on a vertical scale. For example, the following image can represent the amount of remaining lubricant in a tank with a capacity 300 liters. The color in which the plotted value appears indicates whether the lubricant level is safe or risky.

Also refer to Gauge Bar, Gauge Circular, and Gauge Linear.

Gauge Settings

When you use a gauge widget, in addition to providing values for the default fields for a widget, you must define the following settings:
Type of the SettingApplicable Gauge TypesDescription
Type All gaugesIdentifies the type of the gauge. You can select Battery, Meter, or Tank.
Style MeterIdentifies the meter style. You can select one of the following values:
  • Internal radial: This is the default option. If you select this style, the markings appear on the dial.
  • External radial: If you select this style, the markings appear outside the dial.
  • Arc Meter: If you select this style, the meter appears as a color-coded semi-circle (instead of a dial). In addition, the Scale and Needle settings appear.
Source All gaugesIdentifies the source of the values plotted on the gauge. You can specify one of the following types of sources:
  • Data: Select a query or a global parameter whose output you want to plot on the gauge.
  • Manual: Enter a value manually that you want to plot on the gauge.
  • Formula: Enter a formula to calculate the value that you want to plot on the gauge.
Sector Battery, Tank, Meter - ArcIdentifies the start position, color, and range for each sector in the gauge. For example, suppose you want to plot the speed of a vehicle. You want to categorize the speed range as follows:
Speed Range (in kph)Category
0 - 100Acceptable
101 - 160Slightly risky
161 - 200Risky
200 - 260Highly risky
In this case, you will create four sectors and define the following settings:
Sector numberStart positionColorLabel
2101YellowSlightly risky
4200RedHighly risky
Tip: In the Color box, you can enter a color name or the hexadecimal code of the color.
Range All gaugesIdentifies the minimum and maximum values of the widget range, and units of measure of the gauge. You can also specify the color for the first sector of the gauge. In the previous example, you will enter the values 0, 200, kph, and green in the Minimum, Maximum, Units, and Default Color boxes, respectively.
Scale Meter - ArcIndicates whether you want to show the marking for each sector or just the minimum and maximum markings of the gauge. In the Scale settings, select one of the following options:
  • Full: Select this option if you want to show the markings for each sector of the gauge. By default, this option is selected. In the previous example, if you select Full, the following markings appears: 0, 101, 161, 200
  • Min/Max: Select this option if you want to show only the minimum and maximum markings of the gauge. In the previous example, if you select Min/Max, the following markings appear: 0, 200
NeedleMeter - ArcIndicates whether you want to show or hide the needle for the reading. By default, this check box is selected.
Visual All gaugesIdentifies the color for the markings and the background of the widget. The following settings are available:
  • Custom Colors: Select this check box if you want to use custom colors for the markings and the background. If you select this check box, the Color and Background Color boxes appear.
  • Color: Select the color for the markings.
  • Background color: Select the background color of the widget.
  • Palette: Select the background color of the dial of the radial meter gauge. This box appears only if you want to use a meter gauge.