Remove Mapping Between UAA Groups of Operations Hub and an Existing UAA Instance

About this task

If you want to stop users from a UAA group of an existing UAA instance from using Operations Hub, you can remove the mapping between the UAA group of Operations Hub and the existing UAA instance. If you want to stop integration between the Operations Hub UAA and the existing UAA instance altogether, you must remove the mapping for all the groups of the UAA instance.


  1. Double-click .
    Tip: By default, this icon appears on the desktop after you install Operations Hub.
    The UAA/LDAP Connectivity Tool page appears.
  2. Select the Map Existing UAA Groups check box.
  3. In the UAA Connection section, provide values as specified in the following table.
    URLEnter the authorization server URL of the Operations Hub UAA that you specified in the UAA Base URL box during installation (for example, https://localhost).

    If referencing Historian 7.x UAA, then use a url of https://Historian7x:8443; if referencing Historian 8.x then use a URL of https://Historian8x (no port number). The port numbers reflect the default port numbers for Historian. If ports were customized, then use the selected port.

    Client IDEnter the client ID of the Operations Hub UAA server that you specified in the Admin Client ID box during installation.
    Client SecretEnter the client secret configured for the OAuth client that you specified in the Admin Client Secret box during installation.
  4. Select Test, then select Submit, and then select Test again.
    If connection to the UAA server is established, a message appears, confirming the same, and the Continue button is enabled.
  5. Select Continue.
    In the UAA Mapping section, the drop-down list box contains a list of groups in Operations Hub UAA. In the Filter box, a list of groups in the existing UAA instance appear.
  6. In the drop-down list box, select the Operations Hub UAA group for which you want to remove the mapping.
    In the Filter box, check boxes for the UAA groups that are mapped to the selected Operations Hub UAA group are selected.
  7. In the Filter box, clear the check boxes corresponding to the UAA groups for which you want to remove the mapping.
  8. Select Map Members.
    The mapping between the UAA groups of Operations Hub UAA and the existing UAA instance is removed.
  9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for all the Operations Hub UAA groups for which you want to remove the mapping.


Mapping between the UAA Groups of Operations Hub and the existing UAA instance has been removed.