Change Your Password

If a user wants to change his or her password in Operations Hub, use the following steps to do so.


  1. Log out of all instances of Operations Hub, and close your browser.
  2. Reopen your browser, and go to this page: https://machineName/uaa/login.
    The following screen appears.

  3. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click Account Settings.
    The following screen appears.
  4. Select the Change Password link.
    The next screen appears.
  5. In the Current Password field, enter the existing password.
  6. In the New Password field, enter the new password that you want to use to log in to Operations Hub.
    The password must meet the following criteria:
    • Must contain between 8 and 15 characters
    • Must include at least one number
    • Must include at least one uppercase or lowercase letter
  7. In the Confirm New Password field, enter the new password again.
  8. Click Change Password to proceed.