About Reliability Growth Analysis Reports

The baseline GE Digital APM database includes the Reliability Growth report, which you can use to view the summary of the results of a Reliability Growth Analysis.

The Reliability Growth Report is built from the following Catalog items:

Throughout this documentation, we refer to the main report, the subreports, and the supporting query collectively as the Reliability Growth report.

The Reliability Growth report contains a prompt on the ENTY_KEY field in the Reliability Growth family. When you run the Reliability Growth Report while viewing a Reliability Growth Analysis, the ENTY_KEY of the Reliability Growth record associated with the current analysis is passed automatically to the prompt, and the results for the current Reliability Growth Analysis are displayed. If you run the main report (i.e., GrowthAnalysisReport) or the supporting query (i.e., GrowthAnalysisQuery) directly from the Catalog, however, you will need to supply the ENTY_KEY of a Reliability Growth record manually to retrieve results. The subreports (i.e., Catalog items AssetsubreportGrowth and FailuresubreportGrowth) cannot be run directly from the Catalog.

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