Create a Proficy Authentication Reader Client

About this task

To fetch Historian data, previously, you had to manually add each user to iH security groups. Only then the users could fetch the data. Now, this process has been simplified. All you must do is create a Proficy Authentication client. The Proficy Authentication client will be automatically added to the iH Readers security group on the server side. Therefore, you can use the client to fetch Historian data using REST APIs.


  1. Access the Proficy Authentication Config tool, which is located in the following folder by default: C:\Program files\GE Digital\Historian Config\uaa_config_tool
  2. Access Command Prompt as an administrator, and then run the following command:
    uaa_config_tool add_historian_reader_client -u <client name> -p <client password> 
                            -n <username> -s <password> -t https://<Proficy Authentication URI>:443/uaa
    To create a client named client1:
    uaa_config_tool add_historian_reader_client -u client1 -p password123 
                            -n user1 -s userpassword123 -t https://Proficy Authentication URI2010:443/uaa
    The Proficy Authentication reader client is created. However, if it already exists, a message appears, stating the same.